Monday, July 12, 2010

Hello. My name is Carol and I'm a Machine-a-holic.

There are groups for people like me - yes? Oh, yeah, I've already joined them! Let's see - the worst enablers are those Vintage Sewing Machine Folks over at Ravelry! Here's another example of their excellent work.

Shown with all the accessories/feet and the original manual. The previous owner even left a name tag in one of the drawers.

What a great cabinet - it alone was worth the $20 cash.

Look at all that space - at least 6'-0" of horizontal layout/sewing real estate! Love it!

Let's see... 6' X 1.5' = 9.0 sq. ft. divided into $20 total price = $2.22 per sq. ft.!!!

Full frontal shot - after a baby wipe bath and a fresh oiling. A Brother Select-O-Matic. The English version of the machine manual has a copyright date of 1956. (There was also the Japanese edition of the manual.) The paint job looks more like a 1960's automobile.

I was sucked into buying another machine at my local thrift store just for the cabinet. Not for the machine, mind you...I'm in complete denial here - it wasn't my fault.... there was a threat to take it to the landfill! Sacrilege!!! I bought this one just for the cabinet for$20. You see, I was told the machine didn't work properly. Reportedly, it would run continuously when plugged in and I couldn't turn one of the knobs. So, just for kicks, I plugged it in at my house - pushed the knee lever , and the sew light clicked on. On. Off. On. Off. Hmm. "I wonder what will happen if I just switch the plugs into the controller?" That is just what I did - switched the plugs and...Voila! The machine works beautifully, and the knob I couldn't turn manually started turning itself! It was a result of the stitch settings. 4 knob settings are required to create all the stitches. Very Cool.

In case you can't tell from the background in the picture, I also have a vintage bicycle problem. I haven't joined that group, ... yet.

P. S. BTW, can anyone tell me what you use this foot for?


AllyB said...

Your new machine is beautiful. And you're welcome for at least any part I had in the enabling, LOL

blublu said...

That roller foot is good for sewing thick fabrics like leather! It'll move the fabric along much easier than a universal foot.

Lisa Hannah said...

Hi Carol,

I came across your blog today while looking up my brother select-o-matic and found that you have the same sewing machine! I love this machine too. I was wondering if you happen to know the size or code number on the little black rubber bobbin wheel? I have been trying to find one to replace my very old cracked white one that the machine had on it when I purchased it. Your machine is a real beauty!

Me: said...

is there any way you could can that manual and send it to me? I believe I have the same sewing machine as you and cannot find a manual. I have the HZ3-B1 but I can't find anything about this machine and yours looks gorgeous!

LisaT said...

I have my mother's Brother Select O Matic (1956). I am trying to load the side bobbin but I am having some difficulty. If possible could you give detailed instructions or helpful hints on how to do it? I have the manual but I am still not able to do it. I am a beginning sewer.

Unknown said...

I have the same machine! I just brought it home again as it was given to me by my mother years ago and I didn't have a place for it when I moved into an apartment. My father bought it for her in the early sixties in Japan. I'm actually missing the knee press now and frantically trying to find one. Any suggestions?

Gail Florida said...

I am not sure if you are still following this but...... I have this machine as well and would love a copy of the manual. If possible can you send a pdf? Thanks

Kvsr35 said...

Bende de var çok güzel çalışma ama ayarları bulamıyorum

Levi b said...

I have this exact sewing machine for sale if anyone's intrested