I finally worked up the nerve to begin the Aeolian Shawl. I must say, after studing the 8 PAGES of directions and charts, I still didn’t know where I was beginning in the construction. (Am I starting at the “point” of the triangle or where?) Hey, I may have KnitB4ItWasHip, but that doesn’t mean I know everything about it - even if my pride fools me into thinking so.
Now that I am in it, the pattern is very clever. The construction begins at the center of the LONGGGGG side(hypotenuse) of the triangle and the increases create the center point! Ha! I’ve got it.
I only wanted to put beads on the edge. However, I was snookered into the whole shawl being beaded ( because of the construction mysteries), but they make great stitch markers! Thanks to those little buggers, I have only been hoodwinked a couple of times on the repeats.
My first few hours of knitting have (K)netted this: