Commissioned June 13, 1950
Serial Number AJ704083
13037 of 25000

Every time I find myself rescuing another vintage sewing machine, I always say… “I can justify this one because it’s so…unique, or well designed, or an antique, or has a great cabinet, or it will be orphaned, or I don't have one like this, or, or, or something!”
Well today the justifying excuse was “It’s a Singer 201! - renowned among Singer enthusists as the best Singer Machine ever produced!” This little baby even had the little potted motor on the back, an AJ serial number with an Elizabeth, New Jersey linage, and a birthdate of 1950. No attachments, but I only paid $25.
I clearly have a problem. I don’t know where I’ll put this one. I don’t need another Straight Stitcher!!!! I can’t justify the sewing I do on the ones I already have, much less another one. This one also came in a cabinet - something else I don’t need. All the same, I feel so blessed to be the new owner of this sweet treasure.