There are groups for people like me - yes? Oh, yeah, I've already joined them! Let's see - the worst enablers are those Vintage Sewing Machine Folks over at
Ravelry! Here's another example of their excellent work.

Shown with all the accessories/feet and the original manual. The previous owner even left a name tag in one of the drawers.
What a great cabinet - it alone was worth the $20 cash.
Look at all that space - at least 6'-0" of horizontal layout/sewing real estate! Love it!
Let's see... 6' X 1.5' = 9.0 sq. ft. divided into $20 total price = $2.22 per sq. ft.!!!
Full frontal shot - after a baby wipe bath and a fresh oiling. A Brother Select-O-Matic. The English version of the machine manual has a copyright date of 1956. (There was also the Japanese edition of the manual.) The paint job looks more like a 1960's automobile.
I was sucked into buying another machine at my local thrift store just for the cabinet. Not for the machine, mind you...I'm in complete denial here - it wasn't my fault.... there was a threat to take it to the landfill! Sacrilege!!! I bought this one just for the cabinet for$20. You see, I was told the machine didn't work properly. Reportedly, it would run continuously when plugged in and I couldn't turn one of the knobs. So, just for kicks, I plugged it in at my house - pushed the knee lever , and the sew light clicked on. On. Off. On. Off. Hmm. "I wonder what will happen if I just switch the plugs into the controller?" That is just what I did - switched the plugs and...Voila! The machine works beautifully, and the knob I couldn't turn manually started turning itself! It was a result of the stitch settings. 4 knob settings are required to create all the stitches. Very Cool.
In case you can't tell from the background in the picture, I also have a vintage bicycle problem. I haven't joined that group, ... yet.
P. S. BTW, can anyone tell me what you use this foot for?